What do girls think of guys with a belly button piercing?

Guys with a belly button piercing Cool or not so cool? Find out what girls think of it. Today I am gonna clear all your doubts here. In the last few decades, body modification has become popular with both men and women.

Be it tattoos, piercings, and other similar forms of body art. The choices are many! However, some of these are more popular among women. Many girls show interest in guys with navel piercing or other body piercings. 

So, what about guys do they have limits?

Belly button piercings are a trend that is making a comeback in recent years since it’s prime the 90s. At the time many of the mainstream celebrities embraced this symbol of rebellion. It was especially popular among young girls, to them it was a part of the bad girl image.

On the other hand, with guys its a tad bit different story. While a lot of guys do ear piercing, nose, tongue, etc piercings, belly button piercing is still uncommon. Which is a little odd, considering how accepting today society is no?

Tryout My favorite jewelry

14 K white gold belly ring

14 K yellow gold scorpion body jewelry

guys with a belly button piercing

 Also, check out How do Girls look at the guy with a nose piercing?

How to clean your belly button piercing? and Does Naval Piercing Hurt? Clear all your Doubts Here

What do girls think of guys with a belly button piercing?

Most of the girls love guys with a belly button piercing. Whereas, some girls don’t.

When asking girls about their thoughts about belly button piercings on guys, opinions are pretty mixed. There girls who find it quite appealing and also daring, because of its something new and different. Another group is pretty neutral, as long as the guy himself is happy they don’t mind.

There are only very few who completely reject this sort of image on a guy, a tiny minority. Yet despite the positive reception, guys are still hesitant to actually get one. The reason why might be a little complex, since many guys have various concerns.

This is understandable, any kind of body modification is not something you can do without considering a few things. Since it is something done on your body that might leave a mark, many guys are cautious. Then, in contrast, there were situations when many would do this on a whim and regret later.

In that situation, it is a shame to see something cool like piercings as a regret. Because it can be much more than that.

To address a few more concerns, there are few major questions that we can answer. Read through and afterward hopefully it will give a push in the right direction!

Is it okay for a straight guy to have a navel piercing?

Yes! it is totally fine if a straight guy wanna get his navel pierces. I would say don’t be sarcastic and don’t give that much importance to these things.

We still agree that nowadays people are more accepting as a society than before. there is still some prejudice. Most often when it comes to belly button piercing the positive side is you can still hide it under your clothes.

Especially since nowadays there is no shame to embrace a bit more femininity, hence it can look great! Of course, it is a big decision, so think about what the piercing means to you. Also, consider how it can affect your everyday life too before any action.

Do men get their navels pierced?

Yes! I personally have seen some guys with a belly button piercing. This somewhere looks stylish too. But you have to take off your shirt to show it. I hope you got the point.

Often times men do this piercing either as a drunken whim or a dare. Then there are those who embrace it and chose it to wear it with pride. Many piercers will still confirm that it is a rare thing for a man to get his navel pierced.

One of the things many guys worry about is a choice of jewelry if they commit to this idea. Usually having a navel pierced is often connected to flashy looking gems. In the end, most guy opts for stainless steel to decorate their flesh.

Why did girls love naval piercing?

The most obvious answer to these questions is, the piercing simply draws the desired attention. Many girls are proud to show off their stomach, thigh or hips because those body parts are visually attractive.
You can often see all kinds of dancers having a navel piercing to draw more attention to their performance. And in the last few decades, naval piercing allowed young girls to break away from society’s image of them. From the punk rock chicks in the 90s to the vibrant summer child, naval piercing is present.

guys with a belly button piercing

Do girls really like guys with a belly button piercing?

The opinions on these particular questions are pretty mixed. The majority of girls can be pretty tolerant man’s choice to have belly buttons pierced. Keep in mind though, women like men appreciate seeing an attractive and daring person.
Because lets are honest belly button pierced won’t look attractive on a beer belly unlike nice abs or a slim waist. So before you decided to get the piercing to take a good look at your body shape and consider carefully.

I think, guys with a belly button piercing actually look cute. I have seen many girls who actually like navel piercing on men.

All in all, be healthy looks and confident will help a lot!

Is it okay for a guy to get his belly button pierced?

There are two key elements that can make you enjoy the experience of having a belly button piercing. Those would be, confidence and not caring too much what others might think.

It might sound harsh, but in today’s society, people are becoming more open-minded. If you show you have no regrets in what you did, the sooner you will be accepted. Your body is your own, and no one has the right to judge your aesthetics.

Especially if its something that is not dangerous to your body.

Does it look gay if a guy gets his navel pierced?

Even today there is plenty of men who are quite concerned about their masculinity especially about this topic. In most cases, guys would consider navel piercing to be either for girls or well gay men. Funny thing is, not even many gay men choose to have this piercing.

It is simply a stereotype that for some reason spreads across like a wildfire. There is no reason why a straight man should not try something he curious about. Simply put, it just a matter of choice.

Of course, before you boost up your confidence after reading this and rush to get our belly pierced. You got to think about some other small things like your tolerance to pain, aftercare, etc. In the next part, we will mention a few more details that will help you further in your decision.

Related questions

What do I need to know before getting navel pierced?

First, you need to know is that belly button piercings are not for everyone. No, we don’t mean that you are not allowed to have one. Rather have this sort of piercing the shape of your navel plays a huge role.

The top part of your navel must have enough room for the piercing to hang properly without pressure. Usually, the piercer will check if you are suitable or not and share their thoughts on the idea.

There are also minor risks of bacterial infection as well. The risk is higher if you have some health problems like diabetes or a weak immune system.

On average, the navel piercing healing time takes about six months or even a year. Remember to check on your piercing on a daily basis. Don’t panic if you see some discharge oozing out, it’s pretty normal.

If it continues for longer than a week right away consults your piercer or even doctor. Also, pay attention to any swellings or redness during the check-up.

Try not to remove your piercing right away when you want to switch the jewelry, wait until it heals. Keeping your hands clean and piercing as well as the belly button area is a must-do.

If you do feel some pain, again, go to your piercer and have it removed if needed. Finally, if you don’t have any problems removing your piercing then feel free to replace it.

What are the negatives of having your belly button pierced?

With so many positives and praises, we do need to mention a few downsides of having navel piercing. Most of the things mentioned are quite common and many people who have the piercing still enjoy it.

  • Maintainance

Maintenance can be a bit of a hassle sometimes since it still something you need to check often. Especially if you want to avoid experiencing any sort of infection. It can also be troublesome when going for an X-ray or going to the airport or even surgery.

Wearing a dangling sort of accessory, there is a risk that it might get caught to your clothes, belts, etc.

  • Infection risk

Another huge risk is the infection that could lead to sepsis. The infection could get into the bloodstream system and infect other organs along the way. So once again, keep the pierced area clean and sterile as often as you can.

Since we as all sweat quite a bit especially in the summer seasons the risks might be higher. As we get older, most of us grow out of wearing navel piercings mostly because its a lot of work.

When it comes to the downside of navel piercing as you see all of these can be prevented or minimized. It might be a lot of work, but in time, it will simply become part of the routine.

All in all, belly button piercing on men is, for the most part, a matter of debate and personal choice. There might be some prejudice but once again, if you are confident, you do you.

Men in today’s time have plenty of freedom to express who they are however they see it fit.Especially of you are a type of guy who is happy with his image, then go for it and find a great piercing!

Remember to consult a professional, inform yourself properly, and once all is done take a step forward!


Shipra Chatterjee. After working for years as a content writer, she is now a full-time Professional Blogger. Beauty and fashion blogging is her motivation. Her experience and feel can be seen in her work. She is passionate about writing articles and reading as well. Apart from blogging, she keeps inspiring people through different social media platforms. Spreading quality knowledge, Love and Positivity is her primary moto. "Keep Good coordination with your Life, There is no way to get out of it Alive - Shipra". Instagram: -Beautyhacks4all Twitter: -@Beautyhack4 LinkedIn: -BeautyHacks4all

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